Products catalog

Energ, recovery supplements for dogs

  • Does your dog need help recovering from intense activity? Our range includes a wide selection of energy and recovery supplements for your dog. From multivitamin complexes to help maintain optimal health and energy levels, to electrolyte supplements to help restore fluid balance after physical activity, we have everything you need to keep your dog feeling good and ready to tackle any challenge.

    Selected manufacturers:

    • Flying dog
    • Blue Pet Co
    Blue Pet Co GoFuel Energy Bar grain free enerfgy bar for dogs

    Blue Pet Co GoFuel Energy Bar grain free enerfgy bar for dogs with unique seaweed complex, 

    Price 350
    Sold out Contact us
    Flying dog Shaker with adjustable bottom for supplements

    Flying dog Shaker with adjustable bottom  for mixing Flying dog supplements

    Price 999
    FLYING DOG MINERAL DRINK energetic-rehydration iont vitamin drink for dogs

    Mineral Drink rehydration is a highly proven energetic-rehydration iont vitamin drink suitable before and during exercise and also for fluid replenishment during the day 

    Price 690 - 3720
    FLYING DOG AFTER DRINK proteins & saccharides concentrate for the preparation of a regeneration protein

    AFTER drink proteins & saccharides is a powdered concentrate for the preparation of a regeneration protein  

    Price 850 - 5790
    FLYING DOG PROTEIN DRINK concentrate for the preparation of protein

    Protein drink is a powder concentrate for the preparation of protein regeneration building cocktail (73% proteins) with high effect 

    Price 1050 - 6350
    FLYING DOG EXTRA ENERGY DRINK ideal drink for dogs before and during physical endurance

    Extra Energy Drink – MCT oil, minerals, vitamin is easily digestible and highly energy drink 

    Price 880 - 3600
  • Premium energy and recovery supplements for dogs