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Alpha Spirit Multi Protein dry dog food

  • Alpha Spirit Multi Protein dry dog food

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    200 gr.
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    9 kg
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    Alpha Spirit Dog Food MULTI -PROTEIN Semi-moist dog food 

  • Alpha Spirit Dog Food MULTI -PROTEIN Semi-moist dog food:

    • 100% Natural Ingredients
    • 85% Meat & Fish
    • 15% Legums Sprouts, with vitamins, minerals and botanicals
    • 0,0% Grain Gluten Free
    • 0,0% Meat Meal Free in Only Fish Complete Dog Food
    • Steam cooked in natural juices
    • Local Suppliers
    • High Palatability
    • Excelent Digestibility
    • Very low allergenic sensitivity
    • Protects the skin
    • Enriched with vital nutrients: omega 3, omega 6, chondroitin, glucosamine, brewer’s yeast, biotine and vitamin b complex
    • Rich in natural vitamin A
    • Stimulates the brightness and strength of hair
    • Strengthens the inmune system
    • Rich in natural iron, fight the anemia
    • Aid postpartum recovery
    • Suitable for all dogs

    Fatty acids Omega 6 and Omega 3 (EPA and DHA): Helps to keep a bright hair and skin. Helps to improve articular deseases. Helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Essential components that help to cognitive development.
    Contains taurine that helps to cardiac activity.
    Includes calcium essential for the formation of the dentin structure.
    Chondroitin sulphate and glucosamine helps to prevent articular degeneration.

    85% Fresh meat & Fresh Fish (25% Fresh Chicken, 20% Fresh Pork, 20% Fresh pork liver, 20% Fresh Fish), Legums Sprouts (Green Pea-pisum sativum, White Pea-pisum ssp. and Lentis-lens culinaris), Eggs, Carrots, Berries, Glycerine,, Extract of Yucca Schidigera, Yeast extract of Sacharomyces Cerevisiae, Taurine, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulphate.
    Natural Preservatives: Thyme and Rosemary.
    The Alpha Spirit semi-moist complete dog food is served on monodoses in small trays of 210gr resealable that maintain freshness and properties of food up to 18 months.